Get ready for a Fantastic Voyage at the 17th World Maccabiah Games. Follow all the action through the eyes of an athlete (that would be me) and learn more than you ever wanted to know about bowling (please, control your enthusiasm, you're embarrassing yourself). Fasten that seatbelt and make sure your tray table and seatback are in the locked and upright position -- this is going to be one crazy time!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What a Reaction!

This is another of those entries that might contain some information that will over the heads of all my non-bowling friends. Don't mean to confuse you, just trying to keep a good account of the entire experience, on the lanes and off. If I start to get too technical, just skip to the last two paragraphs. :)

I finally got a chance tonight to practice with my new bowling equipment. It's a good thing too, since I really wanted to see first-hand what each of the balls would do when put to the test. Overall, I was pleased with my selections. Though I was practicing on a fairly demanding condition, I wanted to get at least a few shots with each ball to get a quick read on what it would do.

The Ti Messenger Traction definitely moves and moves early. I was impressed by the way it maintained a lot of energy on impact. Since the lanes were already drying out, it was obviously tough to see how it would react on a condition that I would most likely use it for -- fresh oil -- but I wanted to at least get a feel for the ball in my hand and start to work in the finger inserts, since they are a little snug.

The Track Heat, well that's a ball I'm pretty familiar with. This is actually a ball that Track re-released in virtually the same form. It's a controllable ball but definitely finishes strong and it felt really good in my hand. It's kinda nice using a ball again that I liked so much the first time around.

Then there is the Ebonite Ice. The lane conditions weren't all that ideal for the Ice, but I made sure to get a few shots in to see what it would do. It does what it says it will do -- conserve energy down the lane with a smooth break to the pins. Primarily used when the lanes are light to medium oil, it will probably be the ball I go to when the lanes breakdown.

Finally, there is the piece of mud I've been using for the past two years -- the Track Mojo. After hating this ball when I first got it (I didn't think it would last 6 weeks), I grew to love the ball and the reaction. And after playing around with all those other new balls, I went back to the tried-and-true piece of equipment I know and found my shot on the lane -- third arrow! I hardly ever play third arrow, but it's a good thing I did because there's no telling what shot I'll have to play in Israel.

Just as an aside, you never know when you are going to meet people or draw some (un)wanted attention. After struggling the first five games I bowled, trying out different things with the new equipment, I finally made that move inside and was able to find a good shot to the pocket for the next three games (yes, eight practice games in a night is pretty average for me now). On the lane next to me were six people, about my age, some slightly inebriated, who were just amazed at what I was doing. Those last few games I did shoot well, but it's always nice to meet new people and socialize while doing something you enjoy. That's one of the greatest things about bowling -- you can be very serious and intense but also be social with teammates, competitors, and spectators alike. Even my teammate Howard Waxer, who called me this afternoon, mentioned more than once that most of the bowlers really have a good time together and socialize when the competition is done for the day. It's a really great thing we bowlers have.

So, I'm feeling pretty good about what I've got "in the bag." I'll go out Thursday evening and practice one more time before I pack everything up for Israel.


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