Though we were all anxiously awaiting tonight’s opening ceremonies, there is still work to be done. We had a morning practice session where we noticed a definite change to the lanes. There was some backend – meaning that the portion of the lane closest to the pins was drier than previous days. That helps the ball make its approach to the pocket and hold its energy to drive through the pins. Apparently, rumor has it that the Israelis went to practice last night and HATED the shot and complained. Maybe that’s true, and maybe it’s not. Either way, I’m much happier this way.
When I moved inside, around third arrow, I had the best approach to the pocket. There is an outside shot, up the 7-8 board, but I had to be so exact, so precise with ball speed and hand position and angle that my higher percentage shot was taking that step left. Thanks Fran for pointing that out to me.
We practiced for a good two hours. I’ve already ripped my thumb open a little, but it’s no worry – Meryl and Gayle both have this great protective take that doesn’t affect your grip. And it protects it from getting any worse, something I’ll surely appreciate after a week of high-level bowling. And, much to my surprise, the bowling center wasn’t all that hot. Super Bowling has super high ceilings, and we figured that keeping that center moderately cool would be quite a challenge. Let’s see how it feels tomorrow and Wednesday.But, the highlight of the night was the opening ceremonies for the 17th World Maccabiah Games. We all looked soft and fluffy (and hot – both senses of the word) in our warm-up suits and had to wait quite a long time before even queuing up. There is something magical about representing your country – the feeling of pride, the feeling of accomplishment, the feeling of honor. From the moment I put on my warm-up suit to the time we got back on the bus, there was a feeling of sheer euphoria.
It was incredibly hot in the Israeli sun, and wearing lined warm up suits with a cotton polo shirt didn’t help the situation. We had about 2 hours outside before even assembling … it was more hang out time, pin trading time, and eating time. When we finally did assemble once again as the Team USA delegation, we had a chance to see some of the people we had bonded with at the Kfar. That reunion was a nice accent on our evening.
After queuing up (man those Brits are rubbing off on me) and going through security, my heart was racing. We could see the stadium, filled with spectators, and the floor was vibrating. With each step, as we approached the athlete’s entrance, the energy emanating from the stadium literally penetrated the skin. Finally, we crossed the threshold to the stadium, hearing the roar of the spectators hit our faces as we chanted “U-S-A” and waved American flags to greet the crowd. My description probably doesn’t do it justice … the electricity was palpable and I’m sure I’ll carry that energy with me throughout these games, and even beyond.
The actual ceremony was similar to an Olympic Games opening ceremony. Some speeches, some songs, some dancing. What was amazing to watch was all the apparel trading going on – people were just trading the clothes off their backs to get apparel from other countries. And the USA warm-up suits were a very hot item … EVERYONE wants something that says USA on it. I’m going to do all that at the Closing Ceremony, which I’m told is even more crazy with all the swapping taking place.
Ok, enough for another crazy day. We have an early morning with equipment check, official practice, and opening ceremonies for the Bowling competition. Laila Tov.
Hi from NJ! Adrienne put me in touch with your page. I thank her for that. I miss being with the team. Say hello to Jonathan, Howard, Fran and Meryl from the previous teams that I was with. Good luck to all the previous and new members of TEAM USA. My sprit is with you all. Greg. Ask Jonathan to call me. 201 693 0731. I need a new warm up xxl. WIN GOLD Everyone
Matthew, since you live so close to where I live, I would like to meet you and check out the photos.
9:47 PM
I am really enjoying reading your updates and photos. Wish I was there until I spoke to a friend of mine over the weekend and she told be that the temperature went over 100 on Sunday. We have hot and humid but not that hot.
Good luck and enjoy all.
can not wait See you soon so we can get to see the photos.
3:33 PM
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